Tell us your views As part of our engagement strategy, we would welcome your thoughts and comments on the development. Please take five minutes to complete the below questionnaire. Tell us your views 1. Your email address * 2. In which age range do you fall? * –Under 1818-3031-4546-6061-75Over 75 3. Which of these best describes your housing circumstances? * –Homeowner with no mortgageHomeowner with mortgageRenting privatelyRenting from the Council or a housing associationLiving with parents/familyOther 3. Which of these best describes your housing circumstances? 4. What is your relationship with the site? * –ResidentBusinessCommunityCouncillorOther 5. Which of the following best describes your views on the proposals for new homes at this site? * –SupportObjectNeither support nor Object 6. Please can you explain why? * 7. What are the main considerations you believe should be taken into account in planning for new homes at this location? * 8. Are there any specific requirements related to layout, design and house types which you feel should be considered in the planning for development at this site? * 9. Do you have any further comment you would like to make in response to this consultation? * Checkboxes * Check here to accept our terms (Privacy Policy) * Submit answers If you are human, leave this field blank.